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A Beginner's Guide to Menopause Support

A Beginner's Guide to Menopause Support

Menopause is different for each woman. I think we all know the common list of issues that are associated with menopause. Hot flashes, irregular periods, headaches, night sweats, mood swings, depression, anxiety, irregular sleep patterns, skin and vaginal dryness, heart palpitations, and the list goes on. The most important thing to get from this list is not a sense of being overwhelmed, but a sense of wow I am up against a lot, so I needs to understand that this will take some time to figure out. Try to realize that if I you are going to get back to your old self you need to be aware of your symptoms and try find treatments that target your specific issues. Also realize that you might be going through the change, but your friends and family are along for the ride as well. Their love and emotional support can be very healing. Try to use humor when you can and explain to them what is happening. A good friend told me she sat her husband down and told him "Do not speak, do not argue with me, just let me do the talking. I know that I am the one who is trying to get my hormone levels under control and I am the one taking the hormone pills, but some how when I take these pills you become very stupid and very annoying. I know the pills should not effect you, but they are making you into a stupid and annoying jerk, so please be aware of that and do your best while I am going through this to try not to be stupid or annoying."

Because she was able to tell him exactly what she was thinking he was able to understand she did not hate him, and they were able to joke more about the mood issues. She was also able to get an honest outside opinion from someone who knew her well. He told her that she was not going crazy and that indeed since she started taking the pills there had been a major change in her temper and overall mood. When she went to the doctors he was able to be her advocate. He was able to tell the doctor what her symptoms were like as an observer because she was not in denial about her symptoms. This made it much easier for the doctor to understand what was happening and faster to find a treatment plan that worked. I am happy to report, once she got off the hormone replacement her husband recovered nicely from his spell of being an annoying, stupid jerk. On the flip side, many women find hormone replacement therapy is the only thing that does provide relief and emotional stability. Menopause help is self help. Realize that when it comes to treatment and therapies that one size will not fit all, so start researching, give therapies time to work, and be ready to try something new if a treatment is not working out for you.

Millard Hiner editor and publisher of noxobmp. com and author of many articles Behavioral Modification Products has a collection of these on his new website which includes information and articles about Menopause Help.