Practical Tips To Eliminate Toxins From Your Body
When it comes to removing toxins from your body, there are many options open to you. Some are more effective than others. Learn why and how you can dtox at the cellular level.
I know we breathe every minute of every day. This supplies oxygen to the blood and keeps us alive. As a trained breath therapist, I can tell you that by increasing the amount of air into your lungs, and breathing rhythmically, is a very effective toxin removal regime. Up to 78% of elimination occurs through the breath. There are many trained Breath Therapists these days, and I experienced a life changing experience when I first encountered this. This amazing process helped bring past thoughts and emotions to consciousness and clear them. I felt so much lighter afterwards. Something as simple as taking 10 or 20 deep breaths when you first awake can make a huge difference. It is quite an effective method of toxin removal.
I started taking cold showers every day some 20 years ago. This stimulates your lymphatic system and a rapid change from hot to cold temperature can really invigorate you removes toxins. If you have access to a gym, some have a plunge pool and steam room. You can get great energy by switching between these. A swim in the ocean is another great way to remove body toxins using water. More extreme methods are immersing yourself in really hot water where toxins eliminate through the skin, the largest organ in the body. One water detox method is to wrap a wet sheet around your body, then blankets and sweat out tons of toxic material. You get to smell all the toxic waste that comes out of the skin!
Apple Cider Vinegar is a great detox regime. Simply pour a liter in a steaming hot bath.A kg or 2 lbs of BiCarb does a similar job. Use the hottest water you can and then soak in it. Your skin will feel great!
While on the subject of water, be aware of what is in the water you use. Bottled water can often have the wrong stuff in it, and tap water in many towns shouldn't be drunk. Dr Norman Walker, centenarian and leader in colon cleansing, suggests that a continual intake of calcium from tap water may be a cause of arthritis! I use a wellness filter. There is a new model just out and it is fantastic. When you taste water filtered through volcanic rock, you will know why I love this filter.
Colon Cleansing
The colon is the method by which waste material is taken out of the body. If it is not functioning properly, the bowel walls will eventually weaken, leading to autointoxication whereby toxins pass back into the blood stream from the bowel. This eventually leads to serious disease. Using a good fiber product, and perhaps backing this up with Colonic Irrigations or Enemas will keep the colon working and clean. Herbal Fiberblend is the product I use and recommend for this. It is surprising how quickly many people feel more energy when their bowels are functioning correctly.
I do not necessarily recommend fasting as a way to detox the body. The reason for this is that when you fast, you may well increase movement of toxins, but if you don't drink huge quantities of water, you run the risk of concentrating those toxins in your body. I know a 24 or 48 hour fast can do wonders as it gives your body the chance to cleanse without the burden to dealing with toxic foods. If you must fast, I suggest you make sure you are in good health by having a check up with a health professional first, and then do a detox program at the same time.
EDTA chelation has been around since World War II to remove lead to which soldiers were exposed during the war. You ingest a chelating agent which attracts positively charged particle to it and then eliminates them. DMSA is a similar treatment for Mercury. The challenge is that these treatments are indiscriminate and attract vital minerals as well as heavy metals, requiring medical supervision and vitamin injections to avoid serious side effects. The other challenge is that the toxins are attached to the outside of the chelating agent, meaning they can do damage to the kidney or liver during elimination. One would have to question whether chelation does more harm than good. Still, for some it is essential. Activated
Liquid Zeolite
The challenge with most detox programs is that they don't reach the cells, where toxins are tightly held onto. As most of you know our bodies are made up of trillions of cells, and the health of each one contributes to our overall level of wellness. Toxins, particularly heavy metals and pesticides, which are on just about everything we eat, drink or breathe these days, attach themselves to cell receptors, restricting cells from taking up proper nutrition. Allergies in particular are often caused by irritation of weak cells by antigens, or foreign toxins. Removing the toxins can provide a permanent solution. Masking symptoms with medication can provide quick relief, but can lead to long term problems later. When you detox your cells become health and you feel more energetic and healthy.
This is where Activated Liquid Zeolite comes to the rescue. The beauty of Zeolite is that it has a cage like structure to trap toxins with its molecules and a negative charge to draw them from the cells. Better yet, unlike most other chelation agents, it has been proven to not affect blood serum or nutritional levels in the body. In fact tests of long term users demonstrate that after most of the toxins are removed, nutritional levels balance out to what they should be.
Detoxification is becoming an essential part of maintaining optimal health. We can no longer avoid toxins. We are being damaged by them every day. What we can do is take action to minimize exposure and get them out of the body before they do too much damage. It is important to remove toxins and heavy metals. In Activated Liquid Zeolite, we now have a safe, effective way to achieve this.
John Gaydon has been researching Natural Health for the last 25 years. Starting with Colon Cleansing, John believes that environmental toxins are a major cause of illness in our modern society.
If you wish to know more about this amazing technology, you can find more articles on Activated Liquid Zeolite on John's blog at or contact John direct on