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Eat Less For A Healthy Weight Loss

Eat Less For A Healthy Weight Loss

Eat less for a healthy weight loss is a statement of fact and should be obvious to everybody but, strangely enough, many people still go on eating far too much food. Take notice of these healthy eating tips and you should be convinced you can reduce the food you eat, feel healthy and lose weight.

One of the first things to remember is that you can have a cup of tea or coffee without converting an ordinary tea break into a mini-meal. It's easily done! Almost as a reflex action many people will add biscuits or even a slice of pie with a cup of coffee; stop it, it's not necessary and is just comfort eating.

Most health professionals suggest that all adults will benefit from servings of at least five fresh fruit and vegetables every day. In fact, even the government is in on the act encouraging us all to go "five a day". Not surprising when they are crammed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. The reasons are perfectly valid as most vegetables and fruit are about 75% - 80% - 80% water which means you can eat as much as you want. The water content has a further advantage in that it keeps the body hydrated and helps to make you feel satisfied and will certainly assist in your quest to eat less for a healthy weight loss.

Another useful tip refers to how meals are presented. Many people use large oval plates or 12" dinner plates which look a bit empty unless they are completely filled. In reality, any meal of reasonable and adequate proportions will fit easily on a 9" plate. This same principle also applies to the sizes of cups and mugs for coffee and tea. There's no doubt the larger the container the more people will eat or drink. So beware, and cut down on the portions and eat less for a healthy weight loss.

Another useful tip to remember is the number of times each mouthful of food is chewed because digestion starts as soon as food enters the mouth. Chewing is an important part of food digestion as it helps the vital nutrients on their journey to the stomach. It will help to chew each mouthful of food around 25 times to make sure it is digested properly.

Water is a critical part of the formula in any plan for a healthy weight loss. So often when we feel as though we need something we go for a snack as a quick fix. In reality it may well be that a glass of water is required. Water is necessary to keep us hydrated and also helps with that feeling of fullness. In reality, most doctors recommend at least six glass of water each day.

Lastly, don't become addicted to certain snacks. Many addictions abound in modern life but an obsession with food is not usually one of them; although it should be. Most superstores have a plethora of attractive snack and soft drinks that often make the mouth water and are hard to resist. Many of these are remarkably addictive with their high salt and sugar content and are best avoided. If you want a snack, and there's nothing wrong in that, have some fruit and cereal bars; but read the label first.

Well, there you have it, six healthy eating tips that will ensure you eat less for a healthy weight loss.
Jack Ritchies